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The Net News-Global (www.morningtopnews.com) (the “Blog”) is authored by Harishchandra. The articles and products are written & sold from the point of view of knowledge sharing and information purpose only. The information provided in this Blog are Harishchandra’s own opinion and it should not be regarded as a description of services provided by the author.

The articles shared in the Blog are for general information purposes only and are not intended to provide any health advice or financial, investment advice whatsoever. The Blog is only a knowledge sharing platform. The readers must read the blog or buy its products for enhancing ones general awareness about Yoga, Ayurveda and other blog articles. The views expressed in the Blog are subjected to change at any time without notice. Articles published in this website is through RSS Feeder from different sources and will not take any responsibility on that. My personal authored blogs are related to YOGA and AYURVEDA, as I am personally practicing YOGA for more than 20 years, with my experience and by reading books I gain knowledge which I share with the readers through my blog.

Nothing in this Blog constitutes health or fitness advice or financial and investment advice. Articles, services, products etc, shall not be treated as health or fitness advice. From reading my Blog I cannot assess anything about my readers personal circumstances, state of health condition, fitness or finances, goals and objectives. All of which are unique for every reader. So any information contained on this Blog shall be treated as for general information only.  Never use my Blog or products to make health or fitness, financial decisions. In case the reader wants to take the health/fitness decisions , he/she MUST seek professional advice from someone who is authorised to provide health / fitness related advice.

This is my personal blog which I use to share the understanding I’m gaining by reading, practicing yoga and observing things around me. I’m not an expert or professional in Yoga/Ayurveda not I’ve any certification to give health related tips or instruction related to Yoga or Ayurveda or any product related advice.